The Content Kings Marketing Predictions for 2024

The marketing landscape is shifting gears, and 2024 promises to be a year of exciting evolution. At TrueGroup we're navigating towards immersive experiences, platform power plays, and a newfound focus on building meaningful connections.

Trend #1: Immersive Experiences Take Center Stage

Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are poised to explode, offering brands a chance to craft interactive, 360-degree experiences that create memorable branded moments. Imagine trying on clothes in a virtual showroom or exploring a rainforest while nestled at home – the possibilities are endless as well as becoming more and more shareable.

  • The global AR/VR market is expected to reach $300 billion by 2025 (Statista).
  • Ikea reported a 67% increase in product engagement after using AR to visualize furniture in customers' homes

Trend #2: Platform Pruning – Less is More

The days of shotgun-blasting your message across every platform are fading. In 2024, smart brands will be laser-focused on choosing the right platforms to reach their target audience. Expect a rise in platform-specific content, tailored to resonate with each unique community.

  • 53% of marketers spend at least half their budget on lead generation, highlighting the need for focused platforms (The Loop Marketing).
  • 40% of marketers say proving the ROI of their marketing activities is their biggest challenge, emphasising the need for platform selection that drives results (Column Five Media).
  • 71% of consumers expect personalized interactions, implying brands need to tailor their content to specific platforms and communities (McKinsey)

Trend #3: The Paid Ad Pivot – Refinement, Not Retreat

While the effectiveness of traditional paid advertising might be evolving, it's not disappearing. The focus will shift towards more subtle, strategic approaches. Picture personalised retargeting, data-driven campaigns, and creative storytelling that seamlessly blends brand messaging with valuable content.

  • Mobile display ad spending is decelerating, indicating a shift towards more strategic ad approaches (The Loop Marketing).
  • 3 in 5 marketers believe their current strategy is ineffective, suggesting a need for refinement and personalisation in paid advertising.

Trend #4: Building Bridges – The Rise of Community-Centric Marketing

Forget one-way megaphone broadcasts. Brands are building meaningful relationships with their customers, fostering vibrant communities around shared values and interests. Expect increased engagement, personalised conversations, and a focus on customer loyalty over fleeting click-through rates. We believe interactive video will be a central tool in this movement!

  • 80% of B2B buyers now expect the same buying experience as B2C customers, emphasizing the importance of building positive relationships (McKinsey).
  • 71% of prospects prefer doing their own research vs. speaking to a human, highlighting the need for brands to foster strong online communities (McKinsey).

Bonus Trend: Micro-Content Makes a Macro Impact

Attention spans are precious, and short-form video and live streaming are the new kings of engagement. Brands will be mastering the art of concise, impactful content that hooks viewers even quicker than before. Some experts are now saying you have to grab attention in the very first second!

  • The average social media user spends 2 hours and 24 minutes using social media every day, emphasising the need for bite-sized content (DataReportal).

2024 isn’t just another year on the calendar. It's 365 days of possibilities, a blank canvas for our next masterpiece. We are gearing up for our biggest year yet at TrueGroup - come share the ride with us!

Patrick Lambert


Entrepreneur, Presenter. Marketing, Web3, Cars, Property.

Currently working on uGen: Web3 social content platform

Ben Collins is a Creative Director 👑
Business Founder x 5 🚀
Loves nuts 🥜

Writes about entrepreneurship, marketing and the gym

The Content Kings Marketing Predictions for 2024

The marketing landscape is shifting gears, and 2024 promises to be a year of exciting evolution. At TrueGroup we're navigating towards immersive experiences, platform power plays, and a newfound focus on building meaningful connections.

Trend #1: Immersive Experiences Take Center Stage

Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) are poised to explode, offering brands a chance to craft interactive, 360-degree experiences that create memorable branded moments. Imagine trying on clothes in a virtual showroom or exploring a rainforest while nestled at home – the possibilities are endless as well as becoming more and more shareable.

  • The global AR/VR market is expected to reach $300 billion by 2025 (Statista).
  • Ikea reported a 67% increase in product engagement after using AR to visualize furniture in customers' homes

Trend #2: Platform Pruning – Less is More

The days of shotgun-blasting your message across every platform are fading. In 2024, smart brands will be laser-focused on choosing the right platforms to reach their target audience. Expect a rise in platform-specific content, tailored to resonate with each unique community.

  • 53% of marketers spend at least half their budget on lead generation, highlighting the need for focused platforms (The Loop Marketing).
  • 40% of marketers say proving the ROI of their marketing activities is their biggest challenge, emphasising the need for platform selection that drives results (Column Five Media).
  • 71% of consumers expect personalized interactions, implying brands need to tailor their content to specific platforms and communities (McKinsey)

Trend #3: The Paid Ad Pivot – Refinement, Not Retreat

While the effectiveness of traditional paid advertising might be evolving, it's not disappearing. The focus will shift towards more subtle, strategic approaches. Picture personalised retargeting, data-driven campaigns, and creative storytelling that seamlessly blends brand messaging with valuable content.

  • Mobile display ad spending is decelerating, indicating a shift towards more strategic ad approaches (The Loop Marketing).
  • 3 in 5 marketers believe their current strategy is ineffective, suggesting a need for refinement and personalisation in paid advertising.

Trend #4: Building Bridges – The Rise of Community-Centric Marketing

Forget one-way megaphone broadcasts. Brands are building meaningful relationships with their customers, fostering vibrant communities around shared values and interests. Expect increased engagement, personalised conversations, and a focus on customer loyalty over fleeting click-through rates. We believe interactive video will be a central tool in this movement!

  • 80% of B2B buyers now expect the same buying experience as B2C customers, emphasizing the importance of building positive relationships (McKinsey).
  • 71% of prospects prefer doing their own research vs. speaking to a human, highlighting the need for brands to foster strong online communities (McKinsey).

Bonus Trend: Micro-Content Makes a Macro Impact

Attention spans are precious, and short-form video and live streaming are the new kings of engagement. Brands will be mastering the art of concise, impactful content that hooks viewers even quicker than before. Some experts are now saying you have to grab attention in the very first second!

  • The average social media user spends 2 hours and 24 minutes using social media every day, emphasising the need for bite-sized content (DataReportal).

2024 isn’t just another year on the calendar. It's 365 days of possibilities, a blank canvas for our next masterpiece. We are gearing up for our biggest year yet at TrueGroup - come share the ride with us!

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